EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

In what may be a world first, an Irish person has not only moved to Sydney and NOT picked Coogee but also made friends with people who aren’t from her hometown.

Maeve Brennan, 27, is alleged to have made the move from Cork to Newtown roughly six months ago, and has so far managed to form friendships with people of various nationalities – and, she hasn’t once set foot in Scruffy Murphys.

The Advocate reaches out to Maeve to see how she managed this feat.

“You can’t throw a rock in Coogee without hitting an Irish person”, explains Maeve, “but I don’t WANT to see people from my hometown.”

“I want the freedom of being able to go to my local grocery store looking like shit without running into my ex, my ex’ sister, my cousin, or my neighbour from five years ago.”

“I moved to Newtown instead.”

“I didn’t want to be so cliche, you know?”

Our reporter asks what sort of work Maeve does.

“Oh, I’m a traffic controller haha.”

“It’s good pay!”

More to come.


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