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A rather excitable young woman has prompted her concerned friends to ensure no glassware is within a metre radius of her flailing arms, having broken a record two wine glasses in one night with her outrageous gestures.

Jamie Burke, a freelance writer from Betoota Heights, is alleged to be quite the storyteller, with her friends reporting that she tends to get louder and more inappropriate the more wine she smashes through – sometimes, quite literally.

Admitting that it might be the Italian in her, Jamie says it’s not her fault that her yarns require so much hand action or the fact that wine glasses are so easy to break. In fact, sometimes it quite adds to the dramatic understone of her stories.

“It’s not my fault, I’m an ESFP”, she says, referring to the Myers Bring personality type known as ‘The Entertainer’, “I’m just easily excitable.”

Letting out a very exaggerated sigh, Jamie says her penchant for being ‘the life of the party’ unfortunately also ensures she’s not allowed to drink from adult cups.

“I’ve been banned from using my friend’s nice wine glasses”, she says, looking a little put out, “some of my crueller friends even force to sip savvy b in a plastic cup.”

“Or if they don’t have plastic cups, I’m not allowed red wine.”

“I’m not a toddler!”

More to come.


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