A local housemate has been caught red handed trying to be a sneaky little grub this week.

French Quarter man Aaron Ederson (22) was apprehended in the act by his room mate a short time ago, trying to balance an empty can of drink on top of a toppling Jenga tower of rubbish.

“Oi,” yelled Bree Meade, the woman who lives in the room next to him after watching him place the can numerous times atop of the garbage pile.

“You waiting for the bin man to come and take that out are ya?” she laughed at the disgraceful display of selfish grottiness.

With Aaron caught in blazing offence, the young engineering student was then forced to try and manufacture some bullshit about how he was going to take the bins out in a second but just had to do something quickly on the computer.

“I’m gonna do it in a second, I’ve just gotta submit something,” he said before quickly slinking back off into his room.

The stand off follows a 24 hour period, where numerous residents of the house affectionately known as the Grey Stain have tried to put rubbish into an overflowing bin instead of taking the thing out.

At the time of press Aaron was seen fumbling around with the garbage bag after being followed up on that promise.

More to come.


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