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A Betoota Heights woman has reportedly caused a scene down at the local supermarket this afternoon.

29 year old Beth McRae was involved in a heated altercation with a store manager and three retail assistants a short time ago, after it was requested she sign into the store before beginning her shop.

The engineer and big beliver in personal freedoms apparently decided to dig her heals in after the request, demanding that she be allowed to shop without handing over her personal data.

The incident comes after a spate of QR Code related incidents around the nation, with frontline workers being asked to deal with people who refuse to allow contract tracers to be able to work affectively.

While State and Federal Govenrments have urged all stores to implement mandatory QR code policies, for people like Beth, the move is an attack on her rights.

“Honeslty, why should I have to sacrifice my data every time I enter a store,” said the local woman who has Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok accounts.

“It’s easy for you to sneer at me now, but this is how government’s take control of their people,” said the young woman showing her disdain for mask rules by wearing her facial covering incorrectly.

“And it’s bullshit that I’m being forced to comply when I enter property owned by another person and staffed by other people,” she said.

“I’m so over it.”

After the rant that no one cares about, Beth reportedly realised her principled stance would be inconveniencing her creature comforts and decided to just sign in and move on.

More to come.


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