And impulsive decision to get on the squirt tonight now means that the an office building in Betoota’s Old City business district will be smelling like a laundry basket come Tuesday morning.

With a long weekend ahead, and a gym bag full of sweaty activewear after a double spin class this morning, local assistant marketing manager Holly Macey (29) felt as thought she’d earned herself a few drinks.

Especially considering the fact that she subconsciously dressed herself this morning in an outfit that is both work appropriate and nightlife appropriate.

With her boss offering an hour and a half of an open bar at the pub down to road, Holly’s itch for a chilli margarita was scratched before close of business.

Meanwhile, her group chat very active with the single girls who still appreciate the dark arts of nightclubbing.

At 4:45pm with a tequila buzz and a pair of wedge heels that are made for walking, Holly finally accepts that there’s no chance in frozen Cairns that she will be sitting on a bus for 45 minutes on a Friday evening like this one.

It’s looking more like she’ll be eating 10% of a cheeseboard for dinner and undoing every minute spent on the assault bike this morning.

It also means that the sweaty gym gear will be sitting next her desk for 72 hours. She has not thought about this, because the tequila has not allowed her to, and it’s best she doesn’t.

This issue will most likely be resolved at 8:59am on Monday morning, depending on how big tonight is.

If the work drinks blow out to all-nighter, there’s a big chance she might catch the bus back into town on Sunday or Monday in an effort to sooth her grog horrors.

But for now, she’s thinking of moving on from the chilli margs to the negroni, before the boss stops paying for these exorbitantly expensive cocktails that Holly is powering through in an effort to drown out the image of the stinky sportsbag that has been marinating in her perspiration since 7am.


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