EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A woman suffering a case of wind burn has had to downplay her suffering this morning, after her friend thoughtfully offered up a tube of what might possibly be the most disgusting tube of Papaw ointment she’s ever seen.

It’s alleged Kelly Drescher [27] had made the mistake of not only complaining about her dry lips, but inquiring if anyone had any lip balm – and unfortunately, her friend Renee was the first to offer.

Rifling around in a bag filled with numerous receipts and various pieces of rubbish, which should have been indication of the state this mysterious lip balm would be in, Renee was seen triumphantly presenting what appeared to be a heavily squeezed tube of Papaw ointment with several hairs wrapped around the lid.

“Here you go!”, she’d exclaimed, attempting to push out the Papaya smegma crusting the hole, “must have frozen up!”

Quickly hiding the look of utter horror that flashed across her face, Kelly scrambled to come up with an excuse to avoid rubbing the petri dish of horrors across her lips.

“Oh, um, I can’t do Papaw, hate the taste.”

“My lips really aren’t that bad, but thank you so much!”

More to come.


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