In a completely unnecessary measure in cyber security, the world’s most boring man has switched his laptop camera off as he doesn’t need it on right now and anybody could be watching.

Betoota local Tim Smith (35) takes his job at the council very seriously which is why he takes certain measures to ensure cyber terrorists do not hack the administrative servers of the Betoota City Library.

Additionally, Smith ensures that cyber terrorists do not target him outside of work and learn personal information about him such as how he enjoys listening to U2 and drinking water.

For these personal and professional reasons, Smith elects to turn his laptop camera off when not in use so that a would-be hacker doesn’t see him watching Ted Lasso and ironing a crease into his beige work pants.

“You never know who could be watching,” stated Smith, as if someone could somehow be boring enough to find him interesting.

“Especially when I need some personal time with my computer to, you know, watch an NPR Tiny Desk concert.”


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