The Federal Senator that gifted the Australian people with some of the memorable and tax-payer funded political geniuses in political history is once again baffled by her party’s inability to retain or at least control her members.

Pauline Hanson is back in the news this week, condemning her own colleagues, and is once again unable to provide any answers as to why this keeps happening.

This trend became evident when ex-One Nation Senator turned Independent Senator Rod Culleton was literally charged with larceny after a dispute with a tow truck driver in rural NSW.

Then there was Fraser Anning, the bloke who left One Nation almost minutes after being sworn in, before having his entire office overtaken by Neo-Nazis and eventually getting an egg thrown at him for his horrific comments on the day of the Christchurch Mosque shootings.

Then there was the ex-Liberal turned One Nation state MP from Queensland, Steve Dickson, who introduced Pauline Hanson to what he thought was a representative of the American NRA – but turned out to be an undercover journalist who was secretly filming a documentary about how easy Australian politicians are to corrupt.

Most recently, the thorn in her side is ex-Federal Labor leader turned NSW senator, Mark Latham, who is looking like he’s ready to leave One Nation too.

The NSW One Nation leader is facing widespread backlash over a wildly homophobic tweet directed at gay Sydney MP Alex Greenwich.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has already asked Mr Latham to apologise over his “disgusting” tweet.

To date he has not done so and has not surfaced since the furore, except for a photo of him walking his dog in a St George Dragons away cap – an arguably bigger crime.

“I’ve actually tried to ring Mark a couple of times to no avail and I have clearly sent a text message to him, telling him my views, and I’ve also asked him to give the people an apology,” Ms Hanson said in a video clip.

This comes three years after Pauline Hanson broke down in tears with Tracey Grimshaw on A Current Affair – as she ticked off a list of men she had harboured in her party who had betrayed, or abandoned her.

Hanson does not appear to have learnt that a party built on making fun of Immigrants and Aboriginal people might not attract the best blokes – and perhaps she might also be a victim of the bigotry that she cultivates with her populist politics.

With any unemployed lunatic seemingly able to get listed on a One Nation ballot – it is not yet known who else Pauline Hanson will force upon the Australian public. One thing that is for sure is that Mark Latham will be living off the NSW voters taxes for the next eight years – until he dies or goes to prison for murdering backpackers.


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