A new report by a media advocacy aimed protecting Baby Boomers from fake news has found that the biggest culprit in misleading Australia’s most vulnerable and reactionary citizens is the same bloke who gave the world’s worst interview with Donald Trump that has ever existed.

ROOMER is an industry lobby group aimed at making sure Australians born before 1965 are able to identify that news stories published by websites with crosshairs in their logos should not be their most trusted sources of information.

Their most recent study into the 2019-2020 news cycle has found that the Sky News 6th-string on-air talent, Paul Murray, is the most prolific when it comes to presenting false news stories to Baby Boomers – in an attempt to get them riled up to a point where they view him as the only man in Australian media who has common sense.

The prominent shiraz conservative, who has tried and failed over five times to land himself an Alan Jones style talkback gig on radio, has experienced a resurgence in popularity over the last 18 months – after Rupert Murdoch managed to get Sky News syndicated onto free-to-air in all of those same electorates that magically swung last Federal Election.

After a big week of reporting misleading information about the Tweed border region, and even going as suggesting that the QLD state government were making plans to change the names of Townsville and Mackay – Paul Murray is beginning to overtake FirePower International for the most blatant profiteering off the gullibility of Australia’s most techno-illiterate generation.

“Paul Murray has overlapped the most fraudulent technology company in Australia history when it comes to misleading the post-war Australians”

“Firepower International told the baby boomers that if they put a random tablet of compressed powder into their fuel tanks, they wouldn’t have to use as much petrol. And they believed them” read the report.

“Paul Murray has told the boomers more lies than FirePower. Most notably the time he told an entire generation of Australians that they are eligible for free money from the government whether they own shares or not, and to just call up the Tax Office and ask for their Franking Credits after they vote the Liberals back in”

“And his interview of Donald Trump was as woeful as the time he lied and said he’d seen Malcolm Roberts’ birth certificate”

The report has found that Murray, when faced with declining ratings because there isn’t enough outrage for him to manufacture in the Australian news cycle by using headlines from the Daily Mail as gospel talking points, will turn his attention to a real story about a kid being horrifically abused in a broken home after being failed by the family courts, in an effort to balance out his weird TV format that is mostly him yelling made up stories about young people trying to ruin things that were perfectly fine in the good old days.

“There’s only two people who have done a better job than Paul Murray at telling lies to boomers” read the report.

“Lance Armstrong and Bernie Madoff”


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