
Man Looking For Reason To Never Buy The Sydney Morning Herald Again Finds It With New Column Written By Albo’s Fucking Dog

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A Sydney-native that now enjoys the peace of living in our cosmopolitan desert community has told The Advocate today that for a while now, he's been growing tired of The Sydney Morning Herald and has been looking for a reason to end his subscription. A 'column' allegedly penned by Toto Albanese, the 8-year-old cavoodle owned...

Jeep Gladiator Owner Finds The Perfect Goorin Bros Trucker Hat To Perch Atop His Chrome Dome While He’s Driving

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A local man that owns the only Jeep Gladiator in the Betoota Shire Council area has reportedly found the perfect hat to wear on his bald head when he's driving about town. French Quarter Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) instructor, Brett Goink, told The Advocate that he has more than one Goorin Bros trucker hat and...

Man Not Receiving Enough Attention For His Liking Announces He’s Not Drinking For A While

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A real poon from our town's Heights district has announced to anyone who'll listen that he's decided to go on a self-imposed exile from the drink for the foreseeable future. Just how long that is, over-employed barrista Jay Jenkins doesn't really know. The 34-year-old full-time-live-at-home-son told The Advocate that he's not exactly doing the alcoholic pause...

“To Think All This Started Because Some Idiot Ate A Bit Of Undercooked Pangolin” Says City Worker Now Skipping Meals To Pay Rent

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contacts A local city worker that now has to skip meals in order to pay the rent has wondered to himself on the way home this afternoon that all of this shit started because some idiot in Wuhan couldn't cook his pangolin properly. Darcy Douglas, 34, grosses about a grand a week, he says. From that...

Recruiter Pulls Out The Big Guns By Revealing Their Candidate Worked At Maccas In High School

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contacts In a world where young workers are often given a bad name for putting their own well-being before that of a giant multinational company, a local recruiter has revealed that a candidate that they're putting forward for a job in construction management as been working since he was fourteen-years-and-nine-months-old. And not just at some corner...

“G’Day You Stupid Lefties” Says Respectable Country Gent Greeting His Degenerate City Mates

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contacts A district grazier holidaying on the coast this week has greeted some of his city-based mates at the Sunshine Beach Surf Club with the traditional welcome of the respectable country gentleman. "G'day, you stupid lefites," said Wal Campbell of the 'Wellspring Downs' Campbell's out on the Daroo Development Road. "What's been going on in the big...

Economist Refreshingly Declares He Has No Fucken Idea What’s Going On

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contacts A senior economist at the Diamantina Credit Union (DCU) has simply shrugged today during his address as the Betootan Press Club when asked by a reporter where he thought the markets and economy were headed this year. "Who knows?" said the DCU market guru Paul Sutcliffe. "I don't fucken know. Anyone who tries to tell...

Godfreys Collapse Leaves Man Wondering If His Bagless Dyson Cunnavathing Could Suck A Bowling Ball Off The Ground

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Iconic vacuum cleaner retailer Godreys has entered administration today after many years of running on the smell of a dusty rug, leaving 193 people without a job. Over 50 retail stores will close, bringing an end one of the great Australian dreams of opening your own niche chain of stores and watching it slowly...

“Foreign Tradies Are Shit” Says Tradie Signing Off On New Build That’s Got More Defects Than A 10-Year-Old French Bulldog

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A local tradesman has mocked suggestion that bringing in foreign tradies under a skilled migrant visa programme will go to help ease the current shortage of construction workers in Australia. As the nation looks to build more places for people to live, the current rate at which new homes are being added to the market...

Dutton Says Him Staying The Hell Away From Dunkley Is A Political Stunt Aimed At Winning By-Election

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Opposition leader Peter Dutton says he has no plans to visit the Division of Dunkley in the lead up to the by-election on the 2nd of March because he knows what Victorians think of his common sense approach to policy. For the past week, Mr Dutton has been making the suggestion that the Federal Government...



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