Local Newy boy Tighe Carrington (34) never thought a three-year-contract at a Sydney medical supplies company would cause him so much personal anguish and isolation.

His decision to skip town during the pandemic was initially viewed as a bold and ambitious decision by his family and friends, however, upon returning home – it’s become clear that this career move was one that he would live to regret.

As he drinks alone in the Criterion Hotel, with no one to keep him company other than the occasional nod from Silverchair’s Chris Joannou who pops in from time to time to count the till, Tighe wonders if it’s him – or his friends – who have changed.

“I just don’t get it” says Tighe,

“What was I supposed to do. Just bring all of Newcastle with me? I was living in Manly. It’s not the same… You’ve gotta make at least a slight effort to blend in”

Without directly saying it, Tighe is referencing the extreme ostracisation and ridicule he has faced since returning to the Steel City from Sydney’s affluent Northern Beaches.

It’s not because of the way he now talks, using words like ‘perchance’ and ‘astute’.

And it’s not because he now gets a weekly haircut.

Or that he describes his misso-to-be as his fiancé – or decided to adopt a poodle cross.

It’s because he’s now unashamedly wearing birkenstocks sandals paired with khaki chino trousers.

“He just doesn’t get it” says once close mate, Jesmond Argyle.

“If he wants to rock the birk and chino combo down there on the Manly Esplanade, well each to their own. But don’t bring that shit back here with ya rounded vowels and Kings English”

His other former mate, Darby Delaney agrees.

“It’s actually disgraceful. I tried to be civilised at first, but he was quite obnoxious, sitting there with his toes hanging out. I mean thongs and jeans are fine – but he’s dressed like Byron property developer… and he knows it”

“He’s making a mockery of us. His family, his town. And mostly disappointingly… He’s letting down our club. Just when we need it the least, mind you. The Knights are sitting at tenth place on the ladder and this is why. Newy’s gone soft”

“What would Billy Peden think if he saw that shit? I’m sorry mate but it’s got me wild”

At time of press, the alleged traitor Tighe was sitting up quite close to the bar and the Criterion and making a point of moaning as he tried a new Double IPA that Joannou had shipped up from Melbourne.

“Now that’s a good drop!” said Tighe.

“Wait let me take a photo for my Insta”


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