After months of waiting for a response, a man in his mid-20s has finally given up on the conversation he’d been having with himself on a woman’s DM.

It was around 1am when Brad assumed it would be a good idea to slide into a potential love interest’s DMs with a line he claims never fails ‘hey, you up?’.

The alleged conversation, which began in the early hours of January 5th, was a product of a couple of cheeky’s at his local pub. 

To Brad’s surprise, the following day brought no response. Brad took this as an opportunity to circle back to the conversation with a ‘how was your night last night?’, which sadly fell on deaf ears with the potential suitress viewing this message and notably leaving him on read. 

“She’s just playing hard to get” Brad thought to himself, “I like a challenge”. 

Forging ahead, he fired another shot with a riveting question, “hey, what did you get up to this weekend?” 

After months of heated conversation with himself, it suddenly dawned on Brad, that the woman might not be keen. In a play to avoid brusing his ego, Brad made the mature decision to unfollow her, but this wasn’t without one last attempt at redemption. 

“I’ll be in your area on Monday, let me know if you’re around?” 

Radio silence prevailed and, Brad decided it was time to sever the digital ties that bound them. He unsent his messages and politely blocked her. 

Brad is one of many helpless victims who have fallen prey to the cruel dance of DM disinterest. His tale serves as a cautionary reminder that sometimes, even in the vast ocean of social media, one can find themselves drowning in a virtual Shakespearian monologue. 


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