The Australian tourism industry isn’t quite what it used to be.

Reports from Northern NSW, aka Deep South Queensland, have confirmed that one backpacker in the hinterland town of Nimbin had to wait as long as 40 seconds before being sold drugs.

Known as the cannabis capital of Australia, Nimbin is a sleepy town of just 1,477 who love a smoke and an arvo in the sun.

40 minutes outside of Byron Bay, Nimbin became a hippy capital in the ‘70s when the town’s new age and love-positive residents practised open drug use after firebombing the local coppers out of town.

Ever since, Nimbin has been an important stop for backpackers and stand up comedians who don’t have any anti-vaxx material. 

With this in mind, it only becomes more disturbing that German backpacker Julian Müller had to wait a gut wrenching 40 seconds before someone would sell him some bloody drugs.

“I was told that the drugs would be immediate,” stated Müller, as he dropped his long awaited mushrooms.

“At first I didn’t know if it was because I am foriegn or something. It is really no way to treat guests in your country.”

The Nimbin Dealers Alliance (NDA) have issued an apology to Müller and have stated that if he wants anymore he better talk to them first.

“Usually we like to get people before they’ve even set a foot out of their car,” stated one Nimbin dealer who was dressed only in cowboy hats.

“How you enjoying that biccie? Good with a cuppa green tea huh?”



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