Our bushfire-ravaged nation has this afternoon asked the Former Deputy Prime Minister to ‘shut the fuck up for a bit” – following his most recent gaffe which saw him highlighting the political ideologies of bushfire victims.

The Member for New England has suggested that the two people who perished in the bushfires currently spreading across the eastern seaboard were “most likely people who voted for the Green party”.

The comments have shocked the country, who are reeling from the deaths while trying to somehow get through the fires ripping across NSW and Queensland.

Sticking with his long-running theme of saying distasteful things in some vapid pursuit to stay in the national spotlight, Barnaby Joyce has been given the royal order from his constituents.

The comments also ironically come not even 24 hours after he and his nameless National Party leader successor made such a big deal of ‘not bringing politics’ into any discussions surrounding the bushfires.

The nation has moved very quickly to ask Barnaby to shut the fuck up, as many begin to question what the fuck the point is of the National Party party, other than running a protection racket for very large, tax-dodging multinational mining corporations.

His most recent comments have been described as ‘arguably worse’ than the last time he buckled under pressure and said he ‘wasn’t sure who the father was’.

More to come.


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