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The fear of God has been put into film school student Tony McGuire (22) who has deleted all his controversial tweets, just in case the unthinkable happens and he becomes a famous director.

According to McGuire, in the rare event he makes a living as a Hollywood director, he is concerned that his previous tweets could prove too controversial for producers like Warner Brothers and Disney who have a proud history of never doing anything wrong.

“I know I’ll be a completely different person by then, but my controversial opinions about why Godzilla doesn’t have a massive dick and balls could prove problematic later,” stated McGuire as he purged his Twitter feed of anything remotely creepy.

At Central Betoota Filmic Arts School (BCFAS) McGuire has made quite an impact with his distinct style of film that is completely reminiscent of early Tarantino and does not want his promising career prospects to be cut short by his current opinions.

“I did a Tweet about Vince Vaughn having a fat head. I better delete that, it could be considered body shaming in the future.”

Although it was hard work sorting through his thirty-one thousand tweets, including one that actually got retweeted, McGuire said it will all be worth it if he defies all odds and becomes an acclaimed director.

“My only concern if one of my 80 followers could have taken a  screenshot…”


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