The people behind the broadcast of State of Origin have today had to draw a line in the sand.

With the biggest match of the year so far fast approaching, the producers of the smash-hit TV series State of Origin have had to rein in one of their big stars.

While finalising the last few details for tonight’s broadcast, producers were forced to have a tough chat with Phil ‘Gus’ Gould.

Running through the script for the pre-game hype, Channel 9 producers told the Rugby League Oracle that he has to steer clear of a certain topic – Ukraine.

Known for his incredibly theatric amp up monologues to get everyone in the mood, the one eyed Blue has been told he cannot bring Ukraine into his speech this year.

Although they are okay with references to previous wars and the Spirit of our ANZACs, the producers have banned the former coach from making any comparison to the situation in Eastern Europe.

“No Gus, don’t even allude to it.”

“No, you can’t compare Billy Slater’s player-coach transition to Putin’s path through the KGB to the Kremlin.”

“And you can’t compare the NSW forward to tanks”

With a few furious ‘no, no, no, no’s directed at producers, Gus reportedly continued to push back.

“If you even hint at trying to allude to Queenslanders feeling like Ukrainians we will cut the broadcast”

“You always know how to add drama, just do it the old-fashioned way. Think Gladiators, Sparta, Gallipoli”

“Nothing after the turn of the century okay”

The line apparently then went dead, with Gus reportedly mulling over the ultimatum.

More to come.


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