Local man Mike Mercer (26) has revealed to one of his guests that the WIFI password can be found under the router, in size 10 font, behind the TV, amongst several other 10 digit passwords that no one really uses.

John Mitchell (27), the guest in question, reportedly asked the question after realising Mike lives in one of those suburbs that’s walking distance from the CBD but somehow has terrible reception for some reason.

After much back and forth between a confused John and a frustrated Mike, the host was forced to join John in the lounge room and point out where the password was.

“It’s really not that complicated, it’s the third code down between the WPA2 code and the WEP code.” Says Mike.

It’s still unknown why so many routers make it so hard to locate the only password that actually matters, but several telecom providers have today confirmed that they will continue to add an array of other unimportant codes that would even trip up Neo from the matrix.


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