Bradley White-Dickerson has never given much of a shit about his family history.

Having grown up in the leafy streets of Betoota Grove on the rich side of town, Bradley has always assumed he comes from money, but never really bothered to find out why his Dad has an embroidered portrait of the family coat of arms in the family study.

But today, The Advocate can report Bradley has dusted off his detective glasses and is hot on the trail of his family lineage in the hope he can find some rich relatives based in the UK.

Keen to move to London after finishing his Bachelor of Business degree at the local Royal Betoota University, it’s believed Bradley has zeroed in on a dream to move to Clapham and “Do the London thing”.

Aware his first month of rent in London would cost him half of his savings, Bradley has concocted a plan to leverage his ancestry and save a few thousands pounds.

“So Aunt Blythe, that’s Dad’s second cousin right?” Bradley asked his Mother, Julie-Anne White-Dickerson as she swept the path outside the house while Brad sat his lazy ass on the steps and smashed the Facebook “Search Friends” function.

“And you reckon she’d be cool for me to stay a month or so?”

“I don’t know Brad, I met her at your Uncle’s wedding 25 years ago and haven’t spoken to her since, ask her yourself,” fired back his Mum.

Determined to save himself two months of London rent, Bradley’s internet quest to find his long lost Great Aunt proved to be pretty easy, after finding a “Blythe” that had mutual friends with his cousin.

“I found her, how should I start the conversation, do I tell her I’ve always wanted to retrace our family history?”

“Maybe I’ll send her a photo of us, come here and take a selfie, let’s see if she recognises you!”


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