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If you were to ask Sharnee Wilson if Taylor Sherk has been running her mouth about her all over town, you’d get a resounding yes.

Ask Taylor Sherk the same question about Sharnee and you’d get the same answer.

Until recently, the feud brewing between the brooding pair has remained between them and their closest friends as the battle lines were being drawn up.

Today is the day the ongoing conflict entered a new phase.

Sharnee took their mutual and deep-seeded loathing for each other online this morning in a Facebook post riddled with wild, criminal accusations, foul language and grammatic errors.

“A little berd [sic] has told my [sic] that @Sharnee Sharnee Wilson has been talkin shit about me behind my back. All smils [sic] to my face, bitch. dog behind it. ur nothin but a putrid dog. always ahs been always will be,” wrote Sharnee.

“Whatch you back, accidents happen for a RESON peace, don’t need this dramerin my life. I’m a bigger personm walking away.”

As the post began to rake in the likes and the supportive comments, Ms Sherk thought in pertinent to draft a reply.

Taking the moral high ground in the now-online argument, Taylor said she felt sad for the 27-year-old Betoota Ponds beauty therapist.

In a surprisingly detailed and uncomfortably threatening reply, Sherk explained exactly what she planned to do next.

“I’m not getting into this,” wrote Taylor.

“But if you continue with these sad threats of violence and intimidation, I’m going have to end it one way or another. If you can’t control you’re [sic] self, then get your affairs in order, bitch.”

Though Taylor’s post didn’t garner the dozen or so likes and the dizzy heights of supportive comments, it didn’t sit well with one Betoota Grove man who attended the first years of high school with the pair before winning a scholarship to a more cosmopolitan boarding school in Rockhampton.

Sam Cutler-Smith, son of a popular and successful local winemaker, spoke to The Advocate about seeing such local drama play out over the internet.

“It does make me a little bit homesick,” said Sam.

“But yeah. I know Taylor’s family grows a lot of dope for the bikies around here, so what she said about having Sharnee knocked off like it was nothing kind of creeped me out a bit – because I could see it happening one-hundred-percent,”

“Ah Betoota. I hope it never changes. It’ll always be home but Jesus fuck, I could never live there again.”

More to come.



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