A focus group is underway at a local cafe today, as a group of friends discuss just how much money their friend is expecting them to pay for her upcoming nuptials.

Sporting a croaky throat and baggy eyes, Jenna Hamilton (27) of Betoota Heights has reportedly just returned from a two day bender in the Diamantina wine region where she celebrated the hens of her bestie Bianca.

Squeezing a thick gloop of honey into a cup of lemon & ginger tea, it didn’t take long for the play-by-play recount of the weekend that was full of prosecco, cheese boards and firemen, for the talk to turn towards the financial arrangements of the wedding to come.

“So yeah it was a big one, we paid about $700 each for the accommodation and wine tour alone,” said Jenna, staring into her steaming cup praying that it would end her headache.

“Yeah but like, is she gonna pay for your bridesmaid dresses or are you going halves?” asked Lena.

“Like I’ve heard most brides are going halves these days!” added Cara, “and then like hair and makeup, is she splitting it with you or do you have to pay for it all?”

After blowing close to $1500 on the whole weekend, which required three new outfit purchases, it’s believed Jenna wasn’t in any mood this morning to consider the next round of funds she’d have to put through the mulcher before the actual wedding day.

“I don’t know, like we all THINK she’s going to go halves with us,” said Jenna hopefully.

“But she’s also decided to get married in Byron so she bloody better split the makeup charges, this whole wedding scenario is gonna cost me about $5000 door to door, and we’re not even the idiots getting married!”

More to come.


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