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Desperate to prove to her followers how woke she is, local personal trainer Tiffany Wales took to Instagram today share a 10-post long story of all the controversial things Donald Trump has done throughout his life.

While 10% of Tiffany’s followers applauded her for reminding them to not vote for Trump  – which judging by the echo chamber they’re all stuck in they weren’t going to anyway – the other 90% of her followers were left a bit confused.

“Why would she be urging us not to vote for Trump? We all live in Australia and have no way of voting in the US Presidential election” said one anonymous source who follows Tiffany.

“It’s not the first time she’s done it either, back when Trump was getting elected the first time she was on some kind of pro-Hillary campaign – like, who are you trying to convince? None of your followers can vote?” the source went on.

The Advocate has bookmarked Tiffany’s social channels to see if she pays the same sort of care for her own elections, whenever they may be.

More to come.


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