ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A troupe of Melbournians spoke to The Advocate this afternoon before sending our reporter a photo of them enjoying their first Friday afternoon beer in months.

The two men, Tenochtitlan Jones and Mike “Brake Fluid” Coleman, are born and raised in Melbourne with a strong Victorian bloodline, they say.

Their two companions chose not to comment but agreed to be in the photo.

Nevertheless, Tenochtitlan (left) said he was planning on stimulating the local economy tonight just quietly and decided to give his mate Brake Fluid a call to see what he was up to.

“We call Mike that because he has a party drink where he drinks and pint of brake fluid and passes out almost immediately,” he said.

“Just Melbourne tings, it’ll catch on around the country in a few years. Mark my words.”

When asked by our reporter how they’re going to stimulate the economy, Brake Fluid said he plans to sit down in a pub for 12 hours until he’s dragged out by security.

“I guess you’re wondering what happened to my eyebrows,” he said.

“Last time I did my party drink, someone shaved my eyebrows off. Simple as that. No, we’re going to go down to the Teapot & Pogostick In Fitzroy and get our drink on,”

“Honestly, it’s been so long. Melbourne feels like home again.”

More to come.


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