Following the departure of the fourth of the three senators she had elected to the Federal Senate off the back of an anti-Muslim political campaign in 2016, Pauline Hanson has today vowed to come down harder on Muslims for all the things they have done to her career as a politicians.

“I will never forgive them for everything they are doing to Australian society”

“The burkha, the food… Systematically turning four senators against me through my tumultuous but short-lived stint as the leader of one of the bigger minor parties in the country”

One Nation last week reversed its position on corporate tax, announcing it would not support the Government’s plan to extend tax cuts to all companies in Australia.

Senator Hanson recently dumped her New South Wales senator from his position of party whip, saying he was demoted because he “wasn’t doing the job” — but Senator Burston said he was sacked as party whip almost immediately after declaring he would vote with the Government.

He has since left One Nation. The fourth senator to leave, out of the three that got elected, plus one having to be replaced because he wasn’t an Australian citizen.

However, in what appeared to be related personal issues related to ego and poor management skills, Pauline Hanson says she believes the Muslims are behind it.

“It’s just like what I say to all my voters every election. The Muslims are responsible for every bad thing that happens in your life. And they are responsible for this”




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