Tragic news for music fans as insurance company NGIRMCA secures the rights to a song you love, promising to overplay the shit out of it on their TV, online and radio ads.

NGIRMCA spokesperson Victoria Spokesevic stated they are happy to announce their use of the song and hope you continue to have positive associations with it and don’t eventually develop an alarm clock style stomach lurch when you hear the opening notes play.

“At the end of the day NGIRMCA is for people like you and people like you love this song. So get used to hearing it because we’ve got a $12 million media budget,” stated Spokesevic has she rubbed her palms up and down slowly.

The creative team behind the song choice state they wanted to create a sense of genuine empathy and relatability with their new ad campaign and when NGIRMCA said no they started pitching random songs from an ‘Aussie BBQ Classics’ playlist and the 2017 Hottest 100.

“We wanted to go with a real banger because it’s going to be in the background of every single ad,” stated creative director Leigh Bermingham (42) as he leaned on his agency’s dust-caked foosball table.

“So we did some bags, picked some songs from film soundtracks, stuck our logo on it and charged them. We think average Aussies are really gonna like having their TV shows disrupted to hear one of their favourite artists sell out to a multimillion dollar corporation.”

NGIRMCA released their new 60-second TV ad featuring the song you love playing over images of people being rescued during natural disasters by men with enlarged NGIRMCA logos on their chest back and helmets ending with the tagline “Helplessly helping the helpless.”

“Yes, that work is normally done by police and army rescue squads, but it was either that or simply depict them as the suited corpses who will argue to their third grave over the money they rightfully owe you after something really shitty has just happened that they really are.”


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