A young girl who just finished a three bedroom, one moat sandcastle at Bondi Beach could stand to earn millions of dollars, after a savvy real estate agent spotted the property and asked her if she’s ever thought about selling.

Milly Jackson, 4, has been building sandcastles for years, having rapidly progressed from simple ‘bucket of sand upside-down’ buildings to much more complex ‘four buckets of sand upside-down’ constructions. Now, her latest masterpiece could make her one of the youngest millionaires in Australia.

“This could be a huge opportunity for her”, said real estate agent and man who was at Bondi beach at on a Wednesday, Barry McMillan. “I mean, think about it – It’s an absolutely prime location, right on the waterfront. It’s just minutes walk from the McDonalds. And with all the fish in the water its technically also in a school zone”

“Not to mention the property itself is lovely. Recently renovated, brand new kitchen, walk-in wardrobes as long as you don’t mind wearing someone’s clothes while they’re in the water for a swim – not to mention the moat! How many houses in Sydney have a moat? Like, 6 of them, that’s it”

“I could easily sell this for upwards of $10 million to a foreign investor. Don’t worry about the heritage, no one is going to live in it”

Mr. McMillan is hoping that the deal will be too good to refuse for Ms. Jackson, although there may be some legal obstacles for them to overcome before the property can be put on the market.

“So, I got off the phone with my lawyer and he says technically, it’s illegal to sell part of a public beach to a random person for an extortionate rate. Also, when I asked Ms. Jackson about her plans to sell, she asked me “what is money?”, which if I’m honest, is a big snag”

“But I’m sure we can get past all of that legal red-tape. As my dad always used to say to me – ‘if it’s against the law, give the pollies money and they’ll just change it”

“I just need to get the perfect sweeping drone shot sorted. Hold up, it’s in the back of my financed Audi”


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