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A local woman has found herself in a bit of a moral conundrum today, after yet another one of her ex’s mates messaged asking if she was ‘keen on catching up.’

Though she harboured a few sour feelings post breakup, Monica Vause[25] wasn’t really keen on stirring shit, instead focusing on moving on and bettering herself.

Also, none of James’ mates were that hot to be honest.

Nonetheless, when she’d broken things off six weeks ago, Monica had expected perhaps a message from the man himself imploring her to come back or even one from his sister, who she’d grown rather close to – and not from his best mate, Tyler.

Or his other good mate Alex. 

Or his friend and ROOMMATE Sam.

Showing our reporter the messages, a puzzled Monica asks if this sort of behaviour is normal as this shit wouldn’t fly in a female friend group…or at least she hopes not.

“Why are they all being such dogs?” says Monica, showing several messages asking her to meet for a drink, “of all the women they can talk to, why their mate’s ex misso?”

“Like I hate his guts but damn.”

“Do I tell him?

Musing out loud that it’d be too cruel for him to lose mates just after a breakup, Monica says she’ll keep the receipts just in case.

More to come.


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