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As he tries to watch a movie in peace after a shitty day of answering emails from obnoxious clients, local bloke Jeff Austin can feel that weird energy boring into him.

It’s that fucking dog again. 

His girlfriend’s strange goblin dog, just sitting on the couch armchair with its questioning, silent gaze.

Always watching, always waiting.

But what for? 

He doesn’t know.

“WHAT CUNT!?”, he yells, unnerved by the creature’s undivided attention, “what do you want!?”

The dog’s eyes momentarily dart sideways at his outburst, before settling back on Jeff again.

“It’s creepy.”


Meeting the dog’s beady little eyes in an attempt to intimidate him into looking away, Jeff finds himself starting to disassociate. 

“What do you want?”, he asks softly.

“Just tell me what you want.”

More to come.


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