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A local bloke has found himself regretting his decision to move onto the next stage of his relationship, having not been prepared for the sheer amount of time and effort it would take to look after a dog in a small apartment.

Jamie Wells [27] says he’d never really liked his girlfriend, Tara’s dog, only tolerating Ke$ha at the best of times, but that moving into an apartment had elevated his hatred to another level.

“We don’t want the dog shitting in the apartment, so I have to get up and take the fucking thing for a walk every Jamiee she starts scratching at the door.”

“I didn’t know dogs shit so much?”

“So much of our lives revolve around this bloody dog!”

“Can’t go away for a weekend because she has fucking anxiety and we can’t leave her in a kennel.”

“Fucking barks every time I fart.”

“Whines at our bedroom door if we don’t let her sleep in our bed.”

“I fucking hate this dog.”

When our reporter asks Jamie if he plans on having kids one day, he says yes, he’d ideally like two. 

Our reporter laughs.

“I’m one diarrhoea on the carpet away from breaking up.”

“I love Tara, but I can’t live like this.”

More to come.


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