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Sporting events, concerts and school; all being cancelled due to the global outbreak of COVID-19, a coronavirus that has the world in the grips of a pandemic.
These cancellations have caused a lot of mixed reactions, angry fans who wanted to go and cheer on their beloved teams, and those supporting the cancellations saying that the whole country should be in self-isolation.
Despite the two parties differing opinions on the event cancellations, the sides have managed to find common ground over the cancellation of something else – reality TV.
“Far out, are you kidding me? How can the Gran Prix be cancelled but fucking MasterChef is still going ahead?”
“Or casting calls for the new bachelor?”
“Surely reality TV can be cancelled until further notice as well?”
The Advocate reached out to Channel 9 CEO, Hugh Marks, to see if there was any chance the nation could expect some kind of reprieve from the tsunami of shit television being pumped out by his and his fellow free to air TV providers.
“Haha, no chance.”
It seems that the nation must continue waiting patiently for something that no one cares about to be cancelled instead of everything we love.
More to come.