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And with news that has shocked absolutely no one, former Liberal member George Christensen has officially made the move to One Nation, plummeting the room’s IQ levels into the negatives.

This comes as a natural career progression for Christensen considering he’s managed to tick off all the entry requirements needed to become a One Nation party member, including sprouting misinformation, denying climate change and sharing far right conspiracy theories.

However, there is one policy that Christensen and Hanson don’t meet quite eye to eye on, and that’s One Nation’s strong stance against immigration – notably an anti asian sentient, or as Hanson has so crudely been quoted ‘being swamped by asians.’ 

As a long time fan of the Philippines, the man from Manila is alleged to have quite the predilection for visiting the red light district, having reportedly frequented there roughly 300 times between 2014 and 2018 alone – though Christensen has stoutly denied these claims, stating he was a victim of a smear campaign.

Despite having virtually zero chance of landing a seat, the switch to One Nation will see Christensen getting his grubby little hands on a $100,000 taxpayer funded payout just for running, which is guaranteed even if he loses. But then again, it’s not about winning a seat, it’s about taking advantage of a broken system which allows rich pricks to get richer, without lifting a finger.

It’s unknown if Hanson will take a slice of the pie for getting him a fat paycheck, but at least she won’t be the most useless cunt in the room anymore.

More to come.


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