The Nation

Samoan Mate Unable To Provide Any Evidence To Claims That He’s Related To The Rock

  CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Local Samoan, Joseph Vuno, cannot sit in the TAB of any pub without pointing out that someone on the screen is a member of his extended family. While perched in the centre of the Lord Betoota Hotel on Sunday afternoon, Joseph made it clear to his palagi friends, that he comes from a long...

Local townie heads out for another busy evening of shooting road signs

11 October, 2016. 12:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact TAKING SOME TIME OUT from his hectic schedule, Nathan Delaney followed up a busy day of throwing rocks at passing cars on a local highway with a barmy evening of shooting local road signs. The 29-year-old unemployed ski instructor has made a home for himself in the small northern NSW town of Bingara,...

Bloke Who Doesn’t Known Anyone At Party Shows Off Unique Sense Of Humour By Yelling ‘Taxi!’

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT In a cringeworthy display of immaturity, Ed Hatton (28) is still yelling 'Taxi' every time someone spills a drinks or smashes a glass, in any social situation. The once classic gag, that Hatton learnt at a footy club he played for in 2006, is now considered to be the ultimate faux-pas - but it is...

Trump-hating man can’t stop talking about Trump and what Trump has done now

11 October, 2016. 10:02 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact IN A CAMPAIGN PERPETUATED BY twists and turns at every moment, a local commission-based software salesman has been taking every recent Trump controversy to heart - enough to warrant him speaking to his co-workers and friends passionately on the topic. Scout Kipling hates Donald Trump and everything he stands for, that's a point...

Local Pub Introduces New $80 Steak Special After Getting Rid Of Their Pokies

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact IN THE DAYS BEFORE PUBLICAN Artie Harper climbed up on his high horse, the only thing in his run-down-by-homely-inner-city watering hole that was even close to 80 clams was a warm magnum of Chandon that you'd be lucky to get an ice bucket for. Known to locals as being a tough, but fair publican, the...

V8 Supercar fan makes pilgrimage back to Mount Panorama mud puddle where he was conceived

10 October, 2016. 15:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact THE YEAR WAS 1969 and Malcolm Collins' parents both had the same unquenchable lust for motorsport - a fact that put them on a collision course that culminated in a midnight rendezvous in a mud puddle atop Mount Panorama. "Yeah, about 7 months later I was born," explained Collins, who now works...

Sydney Real Estate Claims To Be Exhausted After Big Week Of Smiling And Opening Doors

10 October 2016. 12:25 WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT Prospective home buyers, Sally Simpson and Tony Johnstone had their Saturday morning ruined by a real estate agent who could not stop going on about how busy he is. Making the trip from Betoota out to Sydney the pair was simply trying to find a new home and a change of scenery. Instead, the young...

Greyhound owner left wondering what to do with mass grave he dug last week

10 October, 2016. 12:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A GLEN INNES GREYHOUND OWNER'S world is in tatters this morning after news broke that NSW Premier Michael Baird was planning to backflip on his decision to outlaw greyhound racing - just days after the owner dug a series of mass graves. As Allen Gregory was set to become the owner of...

Neighbourhood heroin enthusiast not fooling anybody with ‘pizza money’ ploy

7 October, 2016. 14:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact DESPITE HAVING A RUN-OF-THE-MILL sob story, friendly mid-functioning drug addict Mickey Pascoe has chosen not to share it with us, saying that our interview fee is more than enough to get him a ticket on the H-line train and a medium traditional pepperoni. Speaking candidly to The Advocate this afternoon, the 29-year-old...

Bathurst police begin charging tasers as sea of V8 Supercar fans spew into town

6 October, 2016. 11:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact CONSTABLE MICHAEL DUXWORTH SAYS that while there's no greater thrill shooting somebody in the buttocks with a Glock 17, using a taser to transform an aggressive Falcon enthusiast into a wheezing, writhing mass kicking around in the bulldust is still pretty awesome. If you've ever been hit with one of those 21-inch extendable...



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