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The famous slogan One Ball Could Change It all is ringing true across the country this morning, after a historic night in Adelaide.

Not only can it change the life of an individual and those around them, but it could potentially change the makeup of our great country.

This comes after the state of South Australia has launched its official SAxit Campaign, calling for it to secede from the rest of the country.

The staggering call to peel away from the rest of the mainland follows one of the province’s resident’s winning the $150 million dollar powerball overnight.

While the mystery winner is yet to be located or identified, it’s believed powerbrokers in the great southern state have decided that it’s time to strike.

“For too long the rest of the country has looked down their noses at us and exploited our resources,” said Premier Peter Malinauskas today.

“For too long they have taken our Coopers and our footballers.”

“It ends now.”

“Sure we probably don’t contribute as much to the GDP as the great big hole to our west.”

“But now we have enough cash to go our own way, we are taking South Australia further south.”

The premier said he’s already working on a military alliance with Tasmania and New Zealand, and has reached out to China to fund infrastructure injections.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has yet to respond to the bombshell move, but is expected to speak shortly.

More to come.


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