ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

City worker Alex Cartwright has once again tested social boundaries by asking a colleague if they can have a bite of their sandwich. The incident occurred during lunch break at the Betoota Heights office of a mid-tier marketing firm, leaving staff members both amused and slightly uncomfortable.

Cartwright, a 27-year-old spreadsheet whisperer, approached coworker Jamie Walker with a disarming smile and a direct request that left the room in stunned silence.

“Oh Em Gee, that sambo looks so nice!” Cartwright said, leaning casually on the lunchroom counter.

“Can I have a bite?”

Walker, taken aback, hesitated before responding.

“Uh, well, I guess…”

Before Walker could fully articulate their discomfort, Cartwright had already taken a sizeable bite, nodding and moaning appreciatively as he chewed.

“Thanks, mate. You always know where to get the best food,” Cartwright added, seemingly oblivious to the bewildered expressions of their colleagues.

Speaking exclusively to The Advocate this morning, Walker recounted the surreal experience.

“I didn’t know how to react,” Walker admitted, shaking his head.

“I mean, who just asks for a bite of someone else’s sandwich? It’s not like we’re kids anymore. It’s weird, right?”

Cartwright, the only child of doting parents that still like each other despite being married for 30 years, has a history of unusual social interactions, often blurring the lines of personal space and boundaries. Psychologist Dr. Linda Fellows explains that this behaviour can sometimes stem from the unique upbringing of only children.

“Only children often grow up without siblings to share with, which can lead to a skewed perception of boundaries and entitlement,” Dr. Fellows said. “In Alex’s case, it seems they haven’t quite grasped the concept of personal ownership, which can be socially challenging in adult life.”

Coworkers at the marketing firm have grown accustomed to Cartwright’s quirks, though not without some exasperation.

“Last week, Alex asked if they could borrow my car for the weekend, just out of the blue,” said marketing manager Rachel Kim.

“I’ve only just got it and I’m pretty sure Alex only just got his P-plates.”

Despite the awkwardness, some colleagues have learned to navigate Cartwright’s eccentricities with humour.

“It’s kind of endearing in a bizarre way,” said office intern Tim Davies.

“Bizarre in that nobody has ever told him to fuck off and get his own fucking sandwich.”

More to come.


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