ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

In a modern world often marked by disillusionment and weariness, music has the remarkable power to ignite emotions and kindle connections. For one Betoota Heights 45-year-old manager who has weathered life’s storms, the music of TISM has emerged as an unexpected lifeline amidst his general discontent and cynicism.

Having endured a divorce and the relentless grind of corporate life, Shearwater Signage sales manager Ben Daley found himself growing increasingly jaded, harbouring a general disdain for people and the world around him. Yet, within this sea of negativity, there existed a musical beacon of light — TISM (This Is Serious Mum). The Australian alternative rock band’s irreverent and laconic lyrics, coupled with catchy tunes, provided an escape from the monotony of his existence.

TISM’s music acted as a counterbalance to Mr Daley’s prevailing negativity. The satirical and often tongue-in-cheek nature of their songs allowed him to channel his frustrations into a shared experience. Tracks like “Greg! The Stop Sign!!” and “Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me” resonated deeply, providing an avenue to express his cynicism in a cathartic and humorous way. The band’s unique ability to confront serious topics while maintaining a lighthearted approach seemed to mirror his own complex feelings.

While Mr Daley’s affinity for TISM might appear paradoxical, it underscores the power of music to touch our souls in unexpected ways. The music became a refuge, a means of navigating his emotions, and a catalyst for self-reflection. It illuminated the potential for change even in the midst of deep-seated negativity.

As he embraced TISM’s music, Mr Daley said he found himself gradually opening up to new perspectives. The band’s quirky and unabashed style introduced an element of playfulness into his otherwise “fuck you” outlook. This transformation extended beyond his musical preferences, fostering a renewed sense of curiosity about the world and its inhabitants.

In a world where cynicism and disenchantment can become all-consuming, Mr Daley’s unlikely alliance with TISM demonstrates that art, in its myriad forms, can challenge, provoke, and ultimately heal. As he continues to navigate life’s twists and turns, his unconventional affection for TISM stands as a testament to the profound impact music can have on the human spirit, offering solace even to the most jaded of souls.

More to come.


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