Former Prime Minister Uncle Tony X has today been implicated in the newest flutter of Coalition in-fighting, after several post-it notes spruiking Indigenous empowerment appeared in the Liberal Party kitchen this week.

Notes were scrawled with mottos like “ONE MOB” and “ACAB” as well as the Aboriginal flag graffiti.

Another note, that read “The Date’s Changing Fuck ya |-0-|” has reportedly put Prime Minister Morrison into a tail spin, as he does his best to ensure every Liberal MP and senator follows his lead on not acknowledging the feelings of Aboriginal people.

Business groups have warned Prime Minister Scott Morrison that any move to create a new public holiday to celebrate Indigenous Australia could cost the economy $3 billion.

But it’s not just the capitalists that are upset with the idea, Special Envoy To Indigenous affairs, Uncle Tony X, has also taken issue with the Prime Minister’s idea of a new national day, urging Australians to instead unite behind existing acknowledgments of Aboriginal history.

While standing in front of a crowd of Liberal colleagues, Uncle Tony X, has today confronted the elephant in the room. Australia Day, and what it means to his people.

“Listen up yuflas. No more mucking around” said the Former Prime Minister.

“The date’s changing fuck ya”

“Blackfullas don’t ask for much. We just want the government to stop celebrating the first day of invasion. Do you know how many people got killed by you migaloos?”

“What’s all this talk of another holiday? We already got NAIDOC.” said respected Warringah elder.

“Come down to the Koori Knock Out this weekend if you wanna see blackfullas celebrating. Walgett for the win. Naaa”

“But, Australia Day doesn’t include blackfullas, and I ain’t gonna rest until it does”

“Too black, too strong”


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