ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

The People’s Republic of Korea has become just the second nation in history to be led by a brain-dead tyrant with a death grip on the country’s political and social power.

The first being Australia, which was under the infamous Howard Caliphate for near ten years.

John Howard, the regime’s spiritual leader, was declared brain-dead after a tragic walking accident in 1995. His brain was removed and replaced with a computer chip that made him repeatedly do things he said he wasn’t going to do.

While still able to function like a regular human being, the fact that Mr Howard did not have a brain during his tenure as this country’s leader means, from a medical standpoint, he was brain dead.

The Advocate has reached out to the North Korean Embassy at 700 Harris Street in Sydney’s pigeon-riddled Ultimo district for comment but has yet to receive a reply.

More to come.


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