ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Looking out the filthy window as the gums flash by, Sally Frost wondering to herself why she thought it was pertinent to down a large Sprite with her Zinger box at the last food stop.

She and her three other pals are currently on their way to Splendour In The Grass.

But as she – and the others were feeling quite poorly after having a couple last night, they all decided to stop in at a roadside KFC.

Speaking to The Advocate this afternoon via WhatsApp, Sally said that she had already asked earlier on in the trip to stop for a toilet break and didn’t want to be the person to ask the driver to stop again.

“But all of a sudden, just when I thought I was about wet myself, Dylan asked Bretto to pull over so he could have a leak,” she wrote.

“And I think everyone else in the car was just as relieved. I’d just put away a pint of soft drink and it went straight through me like service station sushi,”

“But then again, so did everyone else.”

The Advocate reached out to the other road trippers in the car but all of them except for Sally were too scat to write back at the time of print.

More to come.


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