ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A disabled local man in urgent need of a new wheelchair has sided with the Coalition government this morning saying he too would rather kill ants than received a new wheelchair.

The National Disability Scheme (NDIS) is $1.6 billion worse of under this budget and some of that money could’ve gone to provided Glenn Washbrook with a brand new wheelchair to replace the one he received in 2010.

But the 78-year-old doesn’t mind, he says, because he’d rather be out on his lawn pouring boiling water down ant holes while he burns the survivors with a magnifying glass.

“It looks like a hoot,” he said.

“For once, I’m on the same page as the government. While I need a wheelchair quite badly, I fucking hate ants. I really, really fucking hate ants. I’m more than happy to forgo an upgrade if it means more ants will die,”

“I only wish I could walk. So I could stamp on them.”

Glenn then looked out the window at the ant nest in his front yard.

“Errol, can you go out there and kill those ants while I watch?”

Our reporter clicked the recorder off and put the jug on.

More to come.


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