EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

Cara McLachlan [25] has this weekend found out the hard way that it’s almost entirely impossible to pull off a gingham print without looking like she’s either bringing someone food or the backdrop to a picnic, it’s reported.

It’s alleged this realisation occurred after she went clothes shopping with her ruthless friend on the weekend, who was quick to tell her that the cute black and white gingham pants she was keen to purchase looked like a slim fit version of the ones chefs wear. 

Nor was she able to pull off a gingham skirt either, it seemed, as the red and white checks ‘were giving picnic table’ and the ‘hot chip wrapping you get at American style restaurants.’

Cara is said to have made one last attempt at gingham by reaching towards a cute ruffle top, before she was quickly informed she would look like she was auditioning for a part in Oklahoma.

More to come.


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