Local man, Kevin Zhao, has had his morning turned upside down.

What should have been a quiet, small talk free, uber ride had become nothing short of a family get-together / interrogation.

This comes after discovering his Uber driver shared the same heritage as him.

As a Chinese-Australian, Kevin Zhao’s interactions with his own people usually takes place at family gatherings, which always comes with and intense line out questioning over school, work and life that is common in any immigrant family.

“I mean, at least with family I have time to prepare my answers for my aunties and uncles questioning my choice of university – but to have it thrown on me with such short notice is really something.”

“This Uber trip was like Autumn festival dinner all over again.”

Normally celebrated for his lack of road rage and more importantly, lack of small talk, Chinese uber driver Zhang Wei (62) has been known to break his silence when it comes to young Chinese-Australians coming into his vehicle.

As a passenger, Kevin presented him with this opportunity.

“First thing he asked was if I was ABC (Australian Born Chinese) or CBC (Chinese Born Chinese) – He really just cut to the chase” says Kevin.

“He knows I’ve got to be respectful, so he really didn’t hold back, I was definitely his first conversation for the day judging by his energy”.

Zhang did confirm that this was indeed his first conversation of the day after an evening of driving around drunken, disrespectful gweilos.

“It was good to hear some gossip about why a recent local restaurant shut down, I got to admit.” Kevin conceded.

“Although, he did tell me that I don’t really know how the world works because I’m ABC”


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