The Nation

Berlin’s world famous nightlife recreated in Outback Queensland town

22 October, 2015. 8:45 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact ALTHOUGH OFFICIALLY BANNED in 2007, smoking in bars, cafes and restaurants is still permitted albeit tolerated in nearly every public space in Berlin. In addition to this mind-bending reality faced by hundreds of bemused travellers everyday, patrons are also given a long leash when it comes to where they consume booze and...

Extensive Criminal Record The Only Thing Stopping Taxi Driver From Joining Uber

9 January, 2016. 11:20 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact After working forty years as a registered Brisbane cab driver, Thomas Ivanovic says he is "bloody offended" that he was unfairly denied an Uber licence purely because of his criminal record. "Everyone's been banging on about this Uber shit. They reckon you get paid more and it's better hours... I thought I'd jump ship,"...

9 Things Aboriginal People Have In Common With Racist People

DARRYL SEYMOUR | Listicle Editor | Contact When observing the Australian political landscape, It goes without saying that Aboriginal Australians and Racist Australians are two of the most considered minority groups in our country. Whether they are clashing with each other, the media or with the government - both groups represent two separate, yet undeniably powerful grass-root movements. But are they that different to one another? We...

Jackaroos Arrested After Promising CBD Hotel Security They “Won’t Cause Any Trouble”

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact TWO THARGOMINDAH AREA station hands were arrested in the early hours of this morning after the pair kicked a cash register down a flight of stairs and threatened police and hotel security staff. It's understood by police that upon the bouncer checking their IDs as they entered The Black Cat nightclub in Brisbane's Fortitude...

Surry Hills Residents Demand Official Gluten-Free Zone On Crown Street

14 October, 2015. 15:30 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact Inner-city residents of Sydney have today put forward a proposal to local council that enforce an official gluten-free zone in the main street of Surry Hills. After months of petitions and meetings with barristers, local blogger Lynne Seede has officially met with Lord Mayor Clover Moore to discuss the plan, which has been gathering momentum for...

This high-paying job includes world travel, paid leave… and an ATAR of 50.

12 October, 2015. 17:05 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact JOINING THE ARMED forces is often overlooked by many high school leavers - not because of the taxing lifestyle and hard work, but because young people are under the misconception that our men and women in uniformed don't earn very much, according to a recent report. However, nothing could be further from...

Hot Chicks On Instagram Throwing Around The Word ‘Entrepreneur’ Very Loosely

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact According to Roy Morgan Research, nearly 90% of female Instagram users with followings that exceed 1000 people, identify themselves as "entrepreneurs". Roy Morgan group account director Bryan Clydesdale says that hot chicks on Instagram very seldom refer to themselves as simply hot chicks. "Bikini Model / Entrepreneur / Fitness Model / Blogger" "It's definitely a new space they are...

Mother debuts her baby’s new fuckin’ earrings at local skate park

12 October, 2015. 7:32 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact DESPITE HAVING BOTH ears pierced over the weekend, a three-month old baby failed to turn heads this morning as she accompanied her mother down to their local skate park. Debuting her child's new accessories at the area's cultural hub, Kandise Honner says her daughter is growing up right before her eyes. She...

Bathurst 1000 fans disappointed with all-female crash; men are far better

11 October, 2015. 17:15 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact THE FIRST ALL-FEAMLE team to enter the Bathurst 1000 since 1998 has proven that when it comes to writing-off multi-million-dollar race cars, men are far better at it than women. Race fans from all over the country were let down by the female efforts, saying they didn't come all this way...

Hipsters Worried That Their Favourite 135-Year-Old Pub Might Become Popular

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact The Castle Hotel has stood in the same spot since 1880. It's inner-city location serves a diverse group of patrons in a district that has seen many different waves of economic classes and demographics. One of the pubs occasional patrons, a 29-year-old Betoota artist by the name of Urshela, says that he and his friends are so lucky...



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