Grant Hackett just happy nobody filmed him giving a nipple gripple
18 April, 2016. 15:45
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
IN THE DAY AND AGE where everybody has a video camera in their pocket, former Olympic swimming champion Grant Hackett today said he was ready to put the whole ordeal behind him, stating that "he's just happy nobody filmed him" when he gave some bloke a nipple gripple onboard a Virgin flight...
Bloke Exiled From Group Chat Asks His Mate What’s Been Going On In The Group Chat
PAUL BARRET | Climate and Weather | Contact
AS IT TURNS OUT, 23-year-old Devin Capers isn't the big swinging dick he thought he was.
The apprentice carpet layer made a series of "off-the-cuff" and crass remarks directed at the WhatsApp group admin, who then swiftly removed him.
That was three days ago.
In that time, he's tried to sabotage a mate's chances at rooting a female...
7 Aussie Towns That You Would Never Have To Drive Through If Our Country Had High-Speed Rail
When you combine the most crowded flight path in the world (BNE>SYD>MEL), with the fact that Sydney Airport is now subject to a 11pm curfew imposed by rapidly gentrifying local council, home to people who feel entitled to complain about the fact that they can hear aeroplanes from their bedroom in a house they bought next...
Clive Palmer receives honorary pen licence
15 April, 2016. 12:34
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
LEGISLATION PASSING OVER THE DESK of Clive Palmer will no longer be covered in pencil and eraser marks because the Member for Fairfax has been awarded an honorary pen licence from his alma mater, The University of Queensland.
Since the happy-go-lucky mining magnate entered the House of Representatives, his fellow parliamentarians have...
Lebanese TV Crew Shot Dead Attempting To Kidnap Brisbane School Kids
15 April, 2016. 10:25
An entire Lebanese television crew have been shot dead during an alleged kidnapping of two children in Brisbane today.
The four-member crew was among nine people, including the children's Lebanese father, Falli Salkneer, who were shot and killed by police over the incident this morning.
Surveillance video purportedly shows the moment members of a so-called...
Married At First Sight Is Harmful As Smoking
14 April, 2o16. 15:34
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
REALITY TELEVISION SHOWS SUCH AS Married At First Sight and other like it may soon be forced to display a warning label prior to broadcast under sweeping new measures put forward by the Attorney-General of Australia.
A disclaimer-type caution may also be on the cards to outline that the following presentation will...
The Greeks Invented Everything, Confirms Local Greek
Local man, Toolio Runamuckas (51), only bets on sure things.
The 2nd-generation Greek-Australian says that the Greeks invented greyhound racing, and any other form of gambling that Australians enjoy losing money on.
The only reason he doesn't seem to lose money on the punt is because he's Greek, and instinctively knows what a winner is.
Aside from...
Schapelle Corby Offers Tara Brown Advice About Breaking The Law Overseas
13 April, 2016. 18:34
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
CONVICTED DRUG MULE Schapelle Corby has reached out to alleged Australian kidnapper Tara Brown, who was charged by authorities overnight in Lebanon after the former journalist tried to snatch two children off the street with the help of her team.
On 8 October 2004, Corby, her brother and two friends flew from Brisbane...
Wyatt Roy Asks Turnbull For A Week Off To Get On The Googs At Splendour
10 April, 2016. 13:15
The youngest member of Federal Parliament has today asked Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for a "couple of days" off work, so that he can join his hometown mates on their annual "Splendour Bender".
It appears the 26-year-old Assistant Minister for Innovation has been having trouble coming to terms with the fact that his...
Gonski Report Reveals 90% of Voters Don’t Really Know What The Gonski Report Is
13 April, 2016. 12:23
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
A REPORT COMMISSIONED BY the Federal Teachers Federation has outlined an alarming figure - that almost every voter in the country has heard about the Gonski Report in one way or another, but they "don't really know" what it is.
In addition to this disturbing trend, the study also discovered that it's...