The Nation

Stomach Yet To Register The Non-Stop Consumption Of Cherries

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT A recent study by the Australian Farmers Federation, in partnership with both the CSIRO and Australian Bureau Of Statistics has found that cherries can never make you feel like you are full. It has been confirmed that the average human will not even notice that they eaten over one hundred, maybe more, cherries on Christmas Day. While there are...

Even The Nephews And Nieces Have Noted How Shamefully Pissed You Were Yesterday

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact As the the sore heads try to pretend they aren't sore, the extended family makes their way back to the living area that hosted yesterday's family Christmas. It is not lost on the kids that the older family members are moving a bit slower, but no one is moving as slow as you. That's because you got overexcited and did...

Lifeguards Sigh As Yet Another Kook Dad Runs Directly Into Rip Tide

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact "Oh for fucks sake!" he sighed. "I've only just got dry. Hey! Hey!! You!" But they didn't hear local lifeguard Matt Laulsen, they were too keen to try out their new Christmas present down at the Lake Betoota Surfing Complex. That entitled old boomer fuck that Matt was yelling out to this afternoon was Ian Craig,...

Sydney Morning Herald Hold Staff Christmas Party At BYO Chinese Restuarant

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Forget Flying Fish Restaurant or Doltone House Wharf, Noodle King ChinaTown will be the scene for this year’s Sydney Morning Herald’s Christmas party extravaganza. In a sad day for the crumbling newspaper giant, the venue with the “Best noodle in Sydney,” was just about it for the rapidly declining team of journos, photographers and sub editors at the...

Lads Roll Back Into ‘God’s Country’ For Christmas Break

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Fresh from trolley polling some boys from the next town up the coast, a group of mates have rolled back into their small beach community which they each openly refer to as 'God's Country' - a term used loosely by locals to show their affinity with their part of the world. Taking time out of...

Yamba Council Begrudgingly Put Their Hands Up To Babysit For Tamworth Over Christmas Period

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT With Christmas festivities complete, households across from across the New England region of north-west New South Wales are emptying by the minute. Destination: Yamba, NSW "It's like our little home away from home" says Miles Liston, a New England Cotton Baron "We finish Christmas with a gutful of prawns and cricket and then head directly east". With Hiluxes peppering the sleepy streets...

Christmas Ham Still Good To Go, Says Dad

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Despite the fact it has been four, extremely warm Summer days since the Christmas ham was pulled out of the oven, Dads around the country are still of the belief that it's still good to eat. One local man, Brett Noon (29) says he's pretty certain the cut up leg of pig has spent more time...

Female Law Grad Applies For Capsicum Spray Permit Ahead Of Work Christmas Party

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet Reporter | Contact Sarah Harris likes to let her hair down. She likes to enjoy a drink. She likes to have a good time. She likes it when work picks up the bill, to thank her for working 12-14 hour days all year for the firm. However, more than all of these things - Sarah likes to feel safe. So ahead...

Man Starting On Rums At Christmas Party Under Impression He’ll Be There All Night

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | Contact Andy Thompson may have been a little bit naive to think that he was in this year’s Chrissy party for the long haul, after starting his evening on the rums. The employee at the Betoota Ponds Harvey Norman said he was really looking forward to the shindig, with his colleagues but admits he got a little carried away. Fellow workmate Colin...

Local Dad Teaches Son How To Pull Uncle Mark’s Short Balls Ahead Of Christmas Match

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact "Roll your wrists, Joey," he said. "Keep your head over the ball, don't be scared to watch it onto the bat." This afternoon, Joey Murchison and his father Mike spent a few hours running through tactics and the like ahead of the planned Christmas Day match against his brother Mark's family. One important aspect they covered was...



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