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Andy Thompson may have been a little bit naive to think that he was in this year’s Chrissy party for the long haul, after starting his evening on the rums.
The employee at the Betoota Ponds Harvey Norman said he was really looking forward to the shindig, with his colleagues but admits he got a little carried away.
Fellow workmate Colin Harper told The Advocate that the recipe for disaster was fairly obvious from the outset.
“He was like a bull in a china shop when he came in.”
“He tried to gee myself and Umesh, within minutes of walking in the door.”
“Come on lads, let’s have a rumbo and coke aye, come one. May as well. Works paying aye. Come on.”
Harper said he resisted the pressure to skull his beer, and Thompson waddled off to the bar saying that he (Thompson) and Umesh were a couple “of soft cocks.”
After knocking back numerous Inner Circles and cokes like a frat house teen pumping jelly shots, Thompson began making a nuisance of himself.
“He ended up putting one of the young fellas who works during the school holidays in a headlock and had to be escorted out of the venue by security,” said Harper.
Thompson was reportedly yelling apologies for the fact that he was just trying to show everyone a good time as he was shown the door.
“It’s all a bit of a blur really mate,” Thompson said to us.
“I don’t know, yeah maybe I did get a bit carried away, but it’s the silly season and at the end of the day I was just trying to make the night a bit of a fun aye. Can’t blame a bloke for trying.”