A local intellectual has today debuted a cute and quirky trait when they were seen speaking in received pronunciation after getting on the turps.

Jessica Cornish [24] is alleged to have gone out with some workmates for Marksby & Jacob’s annual Christmas party, quickly knocking back glass after glass of free champagne before the bar tab ran out.

Growing bolder as the night went on, the normally shy receptionist slowly evolved into having a random British accent, which she delighted in playing up as much as possible.

Though her Australian accent wasn’t particularly strong to begin with, it became startlingly obvious that her voice had changed, considering she’d also gone up several octaves.

“Omggg stopppp Henry”, shrieks Jessica, sounding very similar to Emma Watson, “I CAN’T believe you did that.”

When queried about the change, a giggling Jessica admits that she tends to go British when she gets drunk.

“My grandfather’s British so I think it just comes out hahaha.”

“Or maybe it’s when watching too much Coronation Street as a kid?”

“Hahaha it’s so random hey.”

More to come.


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