ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A Betoota Heights city worker opened his Netbank this morning to see he’s worth significantly less than he was last week, discovering that the pram he agreed to buy with his wife is worth more than the 1993 NC Fairlane he drove around in his 20s.

Speaking very candidly to The Advocate, Stephen Magner said the slice of Australian motoring excellence cost him $1800 back in 2009 and he drove that car up until he had to trade it in a few months ago for a Mazda MX-5.

“I knew that there were probably prams out there that cost that much but I didn’t think they’d be available at the Betoota Heights Westfield. Do you know how much that pram in the living room cost? About as much as an NC Fairlane,” he said.

“The pram I had when I was a kid, oh Jesus, I’m turning into my father. He used to say he was put in a hessian sack and carried around like dirty potatoes,”

“But yeah, I get that you can get a pram for $20 and it’ll complete the job of keeping your child off the ground and easy to move about but yeah, it might give them scoliosis and my dreams of following them around on the PGA – or LPGA – will be over. But even if they have the best pram, they could grow up to be a genuine idiot. Doesn’t matter how smart you are, if you get pushed about in a Bugaboo Fox as a baby, you can still grow up to be a highway patrolman or a parking ranger,”

“Anyway, I just thought it was insightful. You know. How wages haven’t gone anywhere but everything is more expensive.”

More to come.


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