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A ute crushed by fire and bricks has caught the ire of the harbour city’s Supreme Eternal Leader Clover Moore this afternoon because it has overstayed its welcome on one of Sydney’s busiest streets.

Some building burned down near the city’s Central Station yesterday and every corporate johnny in the area was drawn to the flames like a bunch of moths. The Advocate is not alleging that Clover Moore, leader of the Sydney mothpeople, was one of the people there to watch someone’s building burn to the ground.

It is, however, understood by The Advocate that Supreme Leader Moore was seen asking staff why that ute hasn’t been given a parking fine, given it is standard practice in Sydney to fine a person $120 for simply not being back to the car on time.

“That person’s ute, why hasn’t it got a fine under the windscreen wiper yet? What is this? Bush week?” she asked one senior parking lieutenant.

The lieutenant reportedly tried to explain to Supreme Leader Moore that the windscreen and indeed the windscreen wipers had melted, along with the aluminium tray and number plates but was promptly shot down.

“Make sure that ute has a parking fine on it by nightfall or don’t bother coming in tomorrow,” Moore said.

“If you don’t give it another parking fine tomorrow, you will be sent to Auburn City Council for hard labour. Failing that, some time at the Blue Mountains City Council gulag should help you learn quickly that nobody is above a parking fine in Sydney,”

“Do you think these fucking lasers on Circular Quay pay for themselves?”

More to come.


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