EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A Betoota Plains nan has already foiled her son’s attempts at raising a well adjusted young man this week, by purchasing some rather odd clothing for her toddler grandson, it’s reported.

Presenting a onesie that read, ‘Future heartbreaker, lock up your daughters’, Ruth Carey, 72, had no idea why her son and daughter in law would take umbrage against something ‘so cute’, not it all finding it weird that the slogan was already sexualising a two year old.

This of course, coming from someone who voted no in the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey, as ‘gay people are always flaunting their sexuality.’

“Oh stop it, have a sense of humour!”, gesturing towards the slogan that pretty much suggests her grandson will be slaying a lot of poon when he’s older.

“Your generation takes everything so seriously.”

More to come


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