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In a revelation that has left the local ethical fashion community choking on their kombucha, it has come to light that a popular children’s clothing line marketed as “designed in Byron Bay” is actually being produced by child labourers in Bangladesh.

The brand, Kyogle Kin Klub, known for its whimsical patterns and eco-friendly marketing, has been selling like knock-off Bill Granger ricotta pancakes among the affluent and eco-conscious parents of the New Northern Rivers. Promoted as a quintessential product of Byron’s bohemian ethos, the reality behind the brand’s production process is far from the idyllic image it projects.

Randy De Kock, a local Byron parent and “kinfolk” of prominent Perth-based arms dealer, Richard De Kock, was devastated by the news.

“I just can’t believe it. I paid $180 for a romper because I thought it was made with love and positive energy. Turns out, it was made with exploitation and probably sweat. I will look elsewhere for my fair-trade and ethical baby products now.”

The revelation came after an investigation by an international labor rights group, which found that the garments were being produced in a sweatshop in Dhaka, with children as young as 10 working long hours for meagre wages. This starkly contrasts with the brand’s marketing, which heavily emphasises sustainability, fair trade, and the “spirit of New Byron.”

The company’s CEO, Michelle (Sky) Rainwater, issued a statement saying, “We were shocked to learn about these allegations. Our mission has always been to spread love and mindfulness through our clothing. We are committed to thoroughly investigating these claims and ensuring all our products are ethically produced.”

However, not everyone is buying the apology.

Local ethical fashion advocate and Aristocrat Leisure trustee, Dawn Service, was quick to criticise the brand.

“This is exactly what happens when companies exploit the Byron name to sell a fantasy. It’s all hemp and no THC.”

As the scandal unfolds, many parents are left wondering how they could have been so easily duped.

“I just wanted to dress my kid in something that matched our values,” said another disappointed customer.

“Now I have to rethink everything, including that $220 organic high-micron wool onesie I bought last week.”

In the wake of this discovery, it appears that the Byron Bay brand will need more than just a sage smudging ceremony to cleanse its reputation.

More to come.


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