EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A precocious student has left his teacher feeling rather bemused this week, by making a political stance that was quite beyond his years.

The student in question, seven year old Billy Hewitt, is alleged to have been tasked with some colouring in sheets for the afternoon ‘calm down session’, when his teacher, Ms. Henderson, observed his refusal to participate, opting instead to submit a blank piece of paper.

Speaking to The Advocate, Ms Henderson says she’d initially thought Billy just couldn’t be bothered doing the task, only to be schooled about the widespread habitat loss and degradation of the Great Barrier Reef.

“We’ve been learning a bit about Australia’s flora and fauna”, explains Ms Henderson, “and today was about The Great Barrier Reef.”

“I thought some colouring in sheets would be fun.”

“But it ended up being a little bit depressing.”

Citing that Billy was usually a well behaved student, Ms Henderson says her query into his lack of activity left her feeling quite perplexed.

“He said, ‘Miss, The Great Barrier Reef is in the grip of a mass coral bleaching event driven by global warming, therefore colouring in these sheets would be both untruthful and performative.”

“I refuse to participate in this propaganda campaign when the world is dying from the selfish actions of human beings.”

Ms Henderson pauses.

“Honestly, Billy terrifies me a little bit.”

More to come.


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